Child Poverty
Child Poverty
The State of America's Children® 2020
A society must be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable—and most valuable—members: its children. The State of America’s Children 2020 makes it abundantly clear that by this measure, America is falling shamefully short.
Child Poverty
Ohio Can Do Better to Support Youth Flourishing into Adulthood
On January 6th the Central Ohio Foster Care Forum sponsored by Governor DeWine’s Children Services Transformation Advisory Council was hosted at Columbus State Community College. Students of the Scholar Network, a support group that provides wraparound services for foster alum students, alongside youth involved with Foster Action Ohio, took advantage of the opportunity to use their voice during this special event on their campus.
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Child Poverty
Will 11.9 million Poor Children Get Answers in Tonight's Debate?
More than 20 years and 151 presidential debates have passed without a single question on child poverty. Candidates have been asked about the World Series, cursing in movies, and flag lapel pins but not preventable, costly, and immoral child deprivation in the wealthiest nation on earth. When a child is born into poverty every 51 seconds in America, we cannot afford to wait for our leaders to take this crisis seriously.
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Child Health
Let's Resolve to Make Ohio a Safe and Healthy State Where All Children Count in 2020
2019 proved to be a big year with significant progress made for Ohio's children. Despite critical investments and policy wins, much is still needed to keep pace with the growing demands to keep children healthy, safe, and thriving into adulthood.
| Ohio -
Child Poverty
How a Tax Credit for Families with Children Could Do More to Fight Poverty
The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a powerful tool to stretch the family budget and lift children out of poverty.. From its initiation in 1997 to its recent expansion and inclusion of high-earners in 2017, the CTC has enjoyed bipartisan support. But as conversation about the credit gets louder, it is exciting to see bipartisan enthusiasm for tweaking the CTC to deliver greater benefits for the poorest families.
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