Akeisha J. Moseley is a Professional School Counselor in Atlanta, GA where she develops, implements, and evaluates a counseling framework built on ensuring the social-emotional needs of young people are adequately addressed. She is a native of Newport News, Virginia and is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, Marietta – Roswell Alumnae Chapter. Akeisha received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Master of Arts in Applied Psychology from New York University, Education Specialist in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Jacksonville State University is currently a Doctoral Student of Counselor Education & Supervision at Hampton University. When examining mental health practices in urban schools, it is no secret that poverty and trauma serve as the greatest detriment to a child’s ability to succeed; as well as their access to educational resources that will aid them on their journey of personal and professional development. With this in mind, Akeisha works to promote educational equity and advocate for children in the field of education through restorative practices and a trauma-informed approach built on cognitive behavioral therapy and play therapy techniques. She has been actively immersed in the Freedom Schools movement since 2013 and has served in the capacity of Servant Leader Intern, Assistant Site Coordinator, Site Coordinator and Social-Emotional Learning Coordinator. Whether it’s within her work as a School Counselor or volunteerism, the work to make a profound impact and shed light on the injustice that is prevalent in our school systems, especially within our urban schools, never stops. A quote that she holds on to firmly as she progresses through her career is “education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it” – Marian Wright Edelman.