This Is a Time for Prayer and Action for All of Our Children

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This is a time for prayer that our eyes, ears, and hearts may be opened for all of our children everywhere.


A Plea That Our Eyes, Ears, and Hearts May Be Opened

Open our eyes that we may see the need all around us.

Open our ears that we may hear the cries of Your children for food and shelter and relief from sickness and danger.

Open our minds that we may understand and live Your word and will in our lives.

Open our hearts so that we may radiate Your loving spirit in all we do.


A Prayer for Those With No One To Pray For Them

O God, I pray for those who have no one to pray for and protect them.

For the homeless addicts I have passed on the street today; for the child being sexually assaulted and physically and emotionally abused right now; for the mothers dying every minute somewhere in our world and whose children are stillborn or will die in the first days of life. Hear our prayer and guide our feet and lift our cries around the world to stop the senseless deaths of mothers and children everywhere.


God Bless America

God bless America to live her creed in deed and to reach out to all those in need at home and in all Your world.

God bless America to be a blessing to the nations of the world spreading freedom and justice by example, respect, and help.

God bless America to heed Your prophets’ calls for justice for the weak, the oppressed, orphans, widows, and strangers.

God bless America to protect the futures of all of our world’s children and to pass on to them a better and safer earth where all may dwell in peace.