Calling New Yorkers of ALL AGES: Yes, that means YOU! New York wants to hear YOUR experiences using telehealth services to meet your health and behavioral health needs.
Las familias que recibieron pagos mensuales del CTC el año pasado pueden reclamar el resto de su Crédito usando o presentando una declaración de impuestos completa. ¡Las familias que no se inscribieron en el CTC el año pasado aún pueden recibir un Crédito completo!
Families who received monthly Child Tax Credit payments last year can claim the remainder of their Credit either by using or by filing a full tax return. Families who did not sign up for the CTC last year can still take action to receive their full Credit!
In the absence of racial impact assessment, legislation that “appears” race-neutral at face value can, in practice, adversely – and disparately – affect New York’s children and families of color. Just as our State legislators consider the fiscal and environmental impacts of new laws, so too must they examine the potential racial disparities of all legislation and rule-making activity – prior to enactment.
New York can and must do better for our children, youth and families. This report is a blueprint for addressing the most pressing needs of New York children, and the Governor and the Legislature must adopt these proposals in the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget to realize our bold vision rooted in making opportunities accessible, ending harm and transforming systems.
The Children’s Defense Fund – New York (CDF-NY) thanks the chairs of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee for the opportunity to submit testimony on the 2022 – 2023 New York State Taxes Executive Budget Proposal.
The Children’s Defense Fund – New York (CDF-NY) thanks the chairs of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee for the opportunity to submit testimony on the 2022 – 2023 New York State Mental Hygiene Executive Budget Proposal.
The Children’s Defense Fund – New York (CDF-NY) thanks the chairs of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee for the opportunity to submit testimony on the 2022 – 2023 New York State Health/Medicaid Executive Budget Proposal.