2018 About CDF-Texas
The Children’s Defense Fund-Texas (CDF-Texas) began in 1999 and has offices in Houston, Austin and McAllen with programs in several East Texas counties. CDF-Texas raises awareness about the challenges facing Texas children; connects children and families to services to help meet their needs; works with community partners to develop innovative programs; and builds broad-based support for legislative action on behalf of children. Through research and advocacy, CDF-Texas champions policies and programs that lift children out of poverty and ensure that every child has an opportunity to succeed.
Youth Justice
2014 American Leadership Forum Report Update
This document provides a 2014 update and research supplement to the American Leadership Forum's original 2009 report which addressed the racial disparities, risk factors and high costs of the Prison Pipeline in Texas and presented promising local programs investing in prevention, early intervention, and solutions. Representatives from the original 13 organizations profiled were interviewed and asked to describe program changes, growth, and accomplishments since 2009. Many initiatives originally highlighted have seen substantial expansion in both programming and number of children impacted.
Child Health
2016 All Healthy Children Campaign
CDF-Texas’ All Healthy Children Campaign is an award-winning school-based child health outreach model that works to identify uninsured children and connects eligible, uninsured children to affordable healthcare. When children’s basic health needs are met, communities do better. We all do better. The challenges facing Texas children are urgent and impact all of us. However, together, there is no problem caring adults cannot solve. Every step we take to improve the lives of children, improves the lives of all of us.
Youth Justice
2009 Dismantling the Cradle to Prison Pipeline
Today, in Houston, Texas, many factors channel large segments of our population away from productive lives and toward prison. They include illiteracy, poverty, poor health care, domestic violence, mental health issues, teen pregnancy, unemployment, lack of positive role models, truancy and more. The Children’s Defense Fund calls this the Cradle to Prison Pipeline® crisis. The more risk factors young people have, the greater the likelihood they will enter the Pipeline. Once in it, kids are caught in a downward spiral that makes it almost impossible to get out. This report tells the stories of people trying to help them.
Child Welfare
2013 Children's Sabbath Toolkit
Each year on the third weekend in October, CDF-Texas invites faith leaders from across the state to join together to renew a commitment to children by hosting a Children's Sabbath event.This Multi-Faith Outreach Toolkit includes sample pulpit announcements, articles, and other useful tools that we hope you will find helpful in promoting children’s wellbeing in your congregation.