Child Poverty Making Texas Count: CDF testifies to the need for state action to promote an accurate tally of Texans in 2020 "There’s no such thing as a so-so census." February 6, 2019 | Texas
Making Texas Count: CDF testifies to the need for state action to promote an accurate tally of Texans in 2020 February 1, 2019 | Texas
Child Health CDF-TX Staffer featured in NPR article re: How the Public Charge is Deterring Parents from Getting Their Kids Care January 30, 2019 | Texas
Child Health CDF-Texas seeks Medicaid Expansion Campaign Coordinator CDF-Texas invites proposals for the coordination of a multi-year grassroots campaign for Medicaid expansion. We seek proposals from contractors and individuals looking for part- or full-time engagement. December 19, 2018 | Texas
Child Welfare Speak Up to Protect Immigrant Children [Comment on Flores Agreement] November 2, 2018 | Texas