Child Health
Cover-Alls: Dr. Laura Guerra-Cardus testifies to the value of 12-month coverage for children on Medicaid
"The single most effective thing that we can do to reverse this trend (of uninsured children) and get children connected to care is to implement 12 months of continuous coverage for children in Medicaid – just like we do in CHIP."
| Texas -
Child Health
"Let's talk about it:" Dr. Anderson champions Medicaid expansion to House Insurance Committee
"Texans are nearing a crisis point. Our child uninsured rate is more than double the national average. Our adult uninsured rate is the highest in the nation – a state of affairs that has a deleterious impact on our economy, our health care infrastructure, our workforce, and our social contract."
| Texas -
This Is U.S.: The Push for Civic Education
"Texas should learn from successful, evidence-based programs that guarantee all children the right to a comprehensive and equitable civic education."
| Texas -
Child Health
Cover Letters: CDF-TX testifies on the importance of continuous coverage for kids on Medicaid
"Allowing children in Medicaid stay covered for a year at a time – like most children in CHIP and like most of us here today, would be the single most effective step we can take to reduce the number of uninsured children in Texas."
| Texas -
Child Poverty
Making Texas Count: CDF testifies to the need for state action to promote an accurate tally of Texans in 2020
"There’s no such thing as a so-so census."
| Texas