New York
In these Challenging Times
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone effected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and especially people at greatest risk, including our first responders, the elderly, those with certain health conditions and the homeless. Our hearts go out to the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have lost their jobs, and who have spiraled into circumstances which will soon leave them unable to meet their basic needs. We lift up our children, especially those who are poor and food insecure, those without basic health insurance, and those living in shelter or in child welfare or juvenile justice settings.
| New York -
CDF-NY 2020 BTO Gala: A Dazzling Night Celebrating the Empowered Youth at CDF-NY
A glimpse into my experience during CDF-NY's BTO Gala 2020 celebration, a night leaving many inspired as we celebrate young people who beat the odds to make a difference in their lives and communities.
| New York -
No Time to Lose: Why New York’s Medicaid Global Cap Needs to Go – Now
Over 50% of children in New York are Medicaid benificiaries, most of whom live in a household earning less than 154% of the federal poverty level. The Medicaid Global Cap puts a cap on annual growth of Medicaid in New York, leading to the underfunding of vital health services necessary to keep benificiaries happy and healthy.
| New York -