
  • Education

    Happy Birthday to Brown

    May 17 marks the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Like so many Black families, mine spent the spring of 1954 waiting anxiously for news of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case.

    | National
  • Webinar

    Family Voices & Leadership

    Dr. Wilson, President of Children’s Defense Fund and Diana Rauner, President of Start Early will co-host a webinar on family voice and leadership in community systems building.

    May 29, 2024 1:00PM-2:00PM CT

    National | Virtual
  • Early Childhood

    Appreciating Teachers

    May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week this year, but in an era of headlines and concern about burnout and stress, I join many others who believe teachers should be applauded and deeply appreciated all year long.

    | National
  • A New Site for Truth-Telling

    On March 27, the Freedom Monument Sculpture Park officially opened in Montgomery, Alabama—the newest extraordinary Legacy Site created by the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI).

    | National
  • Children’s Defense Fund Names Kathleen M. Flynn Chief Operating Officer, Promotes Sheri A. Brady to Vice President & Chief Program Officer 

    Following a nationwide search, Kathleen M. Flynn has been named Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Children’s Defense Fund. She will support Children’s Defense Fund President and Chief Executive Officer Starsky Wilson in the development and coordination of multi-year operational, financial, and human capital plans for the organization.

    | National
  • Child Poverty

    Children’s Defense Fund Statement on 2024 State of the Union 

    Last night, President Biden presented a vision for building a nation where all children can thrive, from crucial interventions to provide children and youth with high-quality early learning experiences to economic and community interventions that create conditions for young people to grow up with dignity, hope, and joy.

    | National
  • Child Poverty

    Children’s Defense Fund Statement on 2024 State of the Union

    Last night, President Biden presented a vision for building a nation where all children can thrive, from crucial interventions to provide children and youth with high-quality early learning experiences to economic and community interventions that create conditions for young people to grow up with dignity, hope, and joy.

    | National