Service Announcements
Marguerite Casey Foundation’s Dr. Carmen Rojas Takes Helm as Children’s Defense Fund Board Chair
On October 4, 2023, Dr. Carmen Rojas ascended to the Chair of Children’s Defense Fund’s Board of Directors.
Service Announcements
On October 4, 2023, Dr. Carmen Rojas ascended to the Chair of Children’s Defense Fund’s Board of Directors.
Child Poverty
Over the weekend, the federal government narrowly avoided a shutdown, when Congress passed a continuing resolution (CR) just hours shy of the end of fiscal year 2023.
Service Announcements
“While we join the nation in mourning this loss, Children’s Defense Fund is uplifted by the appointment of our Board Chair, Laphonza Butler, to the United States Senate. A stalwart and dedicated Board member for more than 10 years, Laphonza has shown a deep commitment to improving outcomes for America’s children and youth. The Laphonza Butler we have worked closely with in CDF’s governance, is a brilliant strategist, caring parent, and strong advocate who will surely work in young people’s interests on Capitol Hill. This is a win for California’s children and families during this crucial time in the United States Senate and American politics.”
Child Welfare
One of the gifts of faith traditions is that they point us to vision and wisdom that is greater than our present reality. This is why Children’s Defense Fund has been working with congregations, synagogues, mosques, and temples for thirty years to celebrate and advocate for a world where children are centered in the National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths.
Child Poverty
As a group of advocacy organizations specifically focused on child well-being, we the undersigned have grave concerns that the actions of extreme factions within Congress will cause undue harm in the near-term and well into the future for children and families with the lowest incomes.
Child Poverty
Last week, the Census Bureau released the U.S. poverty data for 2022.
Child Welfare
While many of us caregivers are scrambling to make sure our students have the right supplies (I forgot crayons!), clothes, and enough lunch money, we can’t lose focus on the disturbing social challenges that no pencil, pen, or notebook can prepare our students for.
I have often said that CDF Freedom Schools® is the heart and soul of our work at Children’s Defense Fund. The program teaches more than 16,000 young scholars across the country how to tap into their own power and that of their communities in order to make meaningful change.
When we don’t tell the true history of Black and Brown people in America, we’re not telling America’s true history.