Alleviating the Burden
Laura Greenwald and Claudia Alvarado both have the same fear: a new and even worse health care repeal proposal by Republican leaders will destroy the safety net that helped their children get the medical equipment and care they need to thrive.
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Child Health
Statement from Children's Defense Fund–California on the American Health Care Act Vote
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WIC 236: "Pre-Probation" Supervision of Youth of Color With No Prior Court or Probation Involvement
In their report, "WIC 236 - ‘Pre-Probation' Supervision of Youth of Color With No Prior Court or Probation Involvement," Children's Defense Fund--California, Youth Justice Coalition, Urban Peace Institute and Anti-Recidivism Coalition argue that supervision by a law enforcement agency, like probation, is not the appropriate response to a demographic of overwhelmingly youth of color who are struggling with mostly school performance problems, like poor grades and attendance. The organizations hope to engage other community-based stakeholders and government agencies in examining WIC 236 supervision. Ultimately, they argue for shifting resources away from law enforcement entities towards education and community-based interventions that more appropriately serve youths' needs.
In The Spotlight: Luz Sanchez
Medi-Cal – California’s Medicaid program serving half of the state’s children – is a lifeline for millions of people across the state.
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A New Model of Juvenile Justice
This report articulates a shared vision of a new model of juvenile justice in Los Angeles, known as the LA Model.<
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