Every third weekend of October congregations across the nation join Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) in participating in the annual multifaith National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths® Celebration.
As faith leaders, we are charged to raise the voice of children in all we do. This webinar will cover CDF's GOTV Campaign, National Observance of Children's Sabbath, our Policy work, and how each of us can use where we are, to unleash the joy in our children through voting.
In communities nationwide, places of worship join in the meaningful observance of Children’s Sabbaths. These observances occur during customary worship, prayer, educational, or community gatherings. Some places of worship collaborate with others, creating joint events. Others connect with numerous faith leaders and worship spaces for expansive, multi-faith community-wide celebrations.
Children’s Sabbath is a multi-faith event that encourages places of worship to center their prayers, religious messages, and education programs around the needs and urgent problems that young people face. Additionally, Children’s Sabbath encourages communities to respond with outreach and advocacy to inspire new, year-round efforts dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth.
On Sunday, January 28, 2024, Children’s Defense Fund-Texas will join community members and activists to celebrate Children’s Sabbath at Trinity East United Methodist Church, in Third Ward.
One of the gifts of faith traditions is that they point us to vision and wisdom that is greater than our present reality. This is why Children’s Defense Fund has been working with congregations, synagogues, mosques, and temples for thirty years to celebrate and advocate for a world where children are centered in the National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths.