
  • Immigration

    Infographic: A Pathway to Citizenship Means Safe Passage to Adulthood

    More than 1 in 4 (26 percent), or approximately 18 million, U.S. children lived with at least one immigrant parent in 2019. And more than 5 million children ages 17 and under are estimated to have at least one undocumented parent. Every child deserves a successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.

  • Immigration

    Infografía: Un Camino Hacia la Ciudadanía Significa Un Paso Seguro a la Edad Adulta

    En el 2019, más de 1 en cada 4 niños en EEUU (26 por ciento o aproximadamente 18 millones) vivían con al menos un padre inmigrante. Se estima que más de 5 millones de niños menores de 17 años tienen al menos un padre indocumentado. Cada niño y niña merece un paso seguro a la edad adulta con el apoyo de familias y comunidades amorosas.

  • Child Poverty

    CDF Urges the House to Pass the Build Back Better Act

    The Build Back Better Act will boost families’ economic stability and reduce racial inequities in income, housing, education, and health care that harm Black and brown children every day. By passing this critical legislation, we are finally meaningfully investing in our children and families.

  • Child Health

    What the Build Back Better Compromise Means for Children and Families

    The compromise bill includes important generational investments to boost families’ economic stability and reduce racial inequities in income, housing, education, and health care that disproportionately harm Black, Latino, and Indigenous children. However, it leaves out important investments to ensure children and families have what they need to thrive.

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  • Child Health

    What Children Need as They Head Back to School This Year

    This school year, as concerns loom large for many families, children need protection from COVID-19, mental health supports, safe and supportive school climates, opportunities to finish learning, and certainty and reassurance about their futures.

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  • Child Poverty

    Access to Benefits Are Essential for Immigrant Children to Thrive

    Immigrant children and families—like all children and families—deserve public benefits and income supports that promote their healthy development and well-being. Yet the law’s cruel restrictions had ripple effects, chilled access to benefits even when immigrant families were eligible, and arguably paved the path for the Trump administration’s exclusionary policies and anti-immigrant, fear-fueling rhetoric.

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  • Immigration

    I ❤️ My Immigrant Family

    America is a nation of values, founded on the ideal that we are all created equal. These values—freedom, equality, and opportunity—are strengthened by our immigrant family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. We love them, we’re glad they’re here, and we recognize that in order for children and this nation to flourish and prosper, we must commit to policies that reflect that 1 in 4 children in the U.S. live with at least one immigrant parent or are immigrants themselves.

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