
  • Immigration

    Amicus Brief Regarding the Harms of Rescinding DACA

    CDF joined three dozen organizations and leaders in filing a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the Court to consider the impact of rescinding DACA on beneficiaries’ children, whose interests were glaringly absent in the Trump administration’s 2017 decision.

  • Immigration

    Federal Judge Blocks Trump Administration's Dangerous Flores Rule

    In more good news and another victory for immigrant children, a federal judge upheld a landmark 1997 court settlement governing the standards of care for immigrant children in U.S. custody, rejecting the Trump administration’s attempt to dismantle protections for immigrant children and supplant them with regulations that would have had a devastating impact on children’s health, education and general welfare.

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  • Immigration

    Trump Administration Lifts Freeze on Medical Deferred Action

    When the Department of Homeland Security notified Congress one week after the emergency hearing that it would reverse its misguided revocation of medical deferred action, it was, as Rep. Jamie Raskin, said, “[A] moment of good news.” That’s a moment of good news achieved by immigrant families, advocates and Congressional intervention. Here’s to many good moments to come.

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  • Immigration

    Comments on the Expansion of Expedited Removal

    CDF submitted comments in opposition to the expansion of expedited removal as the use of expedited removal and detention of families is inappropriate and harms children. We requested DHS immediately halt implementation of the expansion and take steps to ameliorate the well-documented problems in the expedited removal process as it existed prior to the Rule.