
  • Child Poverty

    The State of America's Children® 2020

    A society must be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable—and most valuable—members: its children. The State of America’s Children 2020 makes it abundantly clear that by this measure, America is falling shamefully short.

  • Immigration

    Happening Now: “My Kids Shouldn’t Experience Such Things”

    The Trump administration’s immigration policy priorities are shaping an anti-immigrant environment that is harming our children. Children, whether at the Peace Arch, or the southern border or within the interior of this country, are hurting—afraid they might wake up to find loved ones gone, afraid to speak languages that might “get [them] into trouble.”  We must defend them.

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  • Immigration

    What Does Trump’s Invisible Wall Look Like?

    Although the mammoth physical wall envisioned by Trump hasn’t gone up the way he imagined, and although no new laws have actually been passed, the unseen shifts in administrative choices have erected an invisible wall against any immigration, legal or otherwise.

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  • Immigration

    Family Detention is Dangerous and Wrong

    There is no safe way to detain children and families. This administration’s attempt to expand family detention is dangerous, and the Children’s Defense Fund will continue to fight its cruelty.

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  • Child Welfare

    DACA Termination Flouts this Nation’s Promise to Children

    More than a quarter of a million children have at least one parent who is a DACA recipient. Canceling DACA increases the risk of family separation and is in direct contrast to the fundamental promise of the child welfare system that every child should have the opportunity to grow up in a safe, stable and loving family. The Supreme Court must keep this in mind when weighing the arguments it heard yesterday.  

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