Children’s Defense Fund – Texas statement regarding the president’s memorandum on excluding undocumented individuals from the apportionment base following the 2020 Census.
The Texas office of the Children’s Defense Fund is outraged by the President’s recent memorandum on the Census, in which he attempts to mandate that undocumented Americans be excluded in the final census count used to apportion Congressional representation.
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The Civil Gideon Argument: Unaccompanied Minors Should Have a Guaranteed Right to Legal Counsel in Removal Proceedings
The “Civil Gideon” argument advocates for immigrants, along with other indigent civil defendants, to have a categorical right to legal counsel by extending the Gideon v. Wainwright precedent to civil proceedings.
Child Health
Statement: In Response to Senate Republican’s Proposal for the Next COVID-19 Relief Package
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Child Health
The Senate’s Proposal, the HEALS Act, Falls Far Short of Meeting the Needs of Children and Families in Crisis
The Senate returned to work last week promising to unveil additional COVID-19 relief legislation that their Republican leadership said would focus on “making sure we take care of our kids” in the face of the unprecedented national economic and public health crisis. This week, they finally introduced their idea of relief—The HEALS Act—and it falls far short of the meeting the needs of children and families in this country.
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Nearly 800 Organizations Call On Congress to Include Immigrant Families in COVID-19 Relief Packages
CDF joined nearly 800 organizations in urging Congress to address the exclusion of immigrant families, workers, taxpayers, and their U.S. children and spouses, from the CARES Act and other COVID-19 recovery packages passed by Congress in the next pandemic relief legislation. Immigrants have been left out of every relief package so far, even though they are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and are risking their health and safety as essential workers during the pandemic. We cannot let immigrants be excluded from relief again. If our nation wants to recover from this economic and public health crisis, we must ensure that everyone is included
Appeal from Experts in Child Welfare, Child Health, and Child Development: Free the Families and Promote Family Unity
94 child welfare, health, and safety experts write to ICE after witnessing this administration’s continued systematic implementation of practices to separate immigrant families. Amidst the backdrop of a public health crisis, we must renew our shared concern that your agency will harm children by taking them from their parents in order to deter or punish families who come to this country seeking protection .
The Federal Government Abandons its Obligations to Unaccompanied Minors at the Borders Under the Guise of COVID-19
The current Administration is using the Coronavirus as an excuse to severely limit immigration.