Early Childhood
Child Welfare
“No Small Matter” The First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, celebrates Children’s Sabbath in Columbus, Ohio.
| Ohio -
Child Health
Take Action Against the Public Charge
Have you heard about the Public Charge? It is an anti-immigrant, anti-working class policy proposal that we CAN fight! Read this post for valuable resources to aid these efforts.
| Texas -
Child Poverty
Investments in young parents and their children offer a two-generation opportunity to lift families out of poverty
| Ohio -
Early Childhood
2018 Beat the Odds Legacy—Post Event Reflection by Aisha Allen
On September 14th, I attended my first ever Children’s Defense Fund-Ohio Beat the Odds event. As a new Board Member, I was excited for the opportunity to see how the research and policy work of CDF-Ohio connected with the scholarship program and learn more about these amazing young people.
| Ohio -