In recent years, there have been efforts to improve the system and support those that have previously been in foster care, with more resources becoming available.
Children’s Defense Fund – New York (CDF-NY) thanks the chairs of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee for the opportunity to submit testimony on the 2023 – 2024 New York State Human Services Executive Budget Proposal.
A local news report on February 2, 2023, shined a spotlight on an ongoing issue in Ohio: the practice of youth sleeping overnight at children’s services offices while waiting for placement in foster care.
As communities of color continue to navigate the triple crises of COVID-19, inflation, and systemic oppression rooted in racism, our State elected officials must do what is just, which is to put New York on a strong path to a just equitable recovery by centering and prioritizing the needs of the youngest New Yorkers along with marginalized children, youth and families in the FY 2023-2024 Budget and Legislative Session in ways that center their physical and mental wellness and economic health, thereby enabling them to have joy and to thrive.
Today, as a part of its celebration of the life and world-changing legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., renowned civil rights activist and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history, the Children’s Defense Fund – New York (CDF-NY) releases its Fiscal Year 2023- 2024 Legislative and Budget Agenda, titled Prioritizing the Needs of Children, Youth and Families: New York State Budget and Legislative Priorities.
On this King Day, we must ask ourselves if we are truly willing to honor the legacy of Dr. King by taking the necessary risks to ensure that there is a tomorrow for our young people.
The passing of this bipartisan bill comes at a pivotal time when families nationwide, regardless of racial, economic, and social background, are rising out of unforeseen, unprecedented, and unpredictable circumstances.
For decades, growing partisan gerrymandering across the country has carved out districts that unfairly favor certain politicians or groups, creating a mismatch in the priorities of the people and those representing them.
In partnership with The Knowledge Works Foundation and other partners as part of the Ohio Whole Child Coordinating Committee, CDF-Ohio co-authored a new issue brief outlining recommendations for improving services to students and families.
Infant and maternal mortality continues to be a leading public health issue in Ohio where the rate of infant mortality is substantially higher than in much of the rest of the country and the statistics facing Black infants are staggering.