Child Welfare
Child Welfare
CDF-NY's Testimony to the Committee on General Welfare
Child Welfare
Memorandum in Support of S.5526
Child Welfare
Fact Sheet: NY Child Welfare
Child Welfare
Old Patterns of Legislative Inaction Threaten Civic Engagement Rates for Young Texans
Imagine the Texas we could build together if state leaders encouraged our youngest residents to be engaged. CDF-Texas and our partners are committed to supporting young people who are becoming more active in their communities, and to ensuring that all young Texans have the same opportunities to do so.
| Texas -
Child Welfare
Comments on Amending the AFCARS 2016 Final Rule (RIN 0970-AC72)
CDF’s response to the request for public comments from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) on amending the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) 2016 Final Rule. CDF expressed strong concern about modifications to the AFCARS 2016 Final Rule and strongly urged ACF to continue moving forward with implementation of the Final Rule without changes.