Child Welfare

  • Child Welfare

    Letter in Support of the Family First Transition Act

    CDF led an effort to garner support from nearly 400 national and state organizations across the country in support of the Family First Transition Act. This Act presents a bold plan to help states, tribes and territories meet the unique fiscal and statutory requirements of implementation. Once enacted, it will provide critical tools to help states, tribes and territories take advantage of the opportunities contained in Family First, so that more children and families can thrive.

  • Child Welfare

    Comments on HHS Nondiscrimination Proposed Rule

    CDF submitted comments on HHS's proposed rule on nondiscrimination protections for HHS-funded programs. Government-sanctioned discrimination is diametrically opposed to the cardinal rule of child welfare, that the best interest of the child is paramount, and, as such, it should never be allowed in the child welfare system. This rule would threaten the ability of the child welfare system to promote permanency for youth in care and will jeopardize the safety and well-being of children in foster care.

  • Child Welfare

    Proposed Rule Will Allow Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination within Child Welfare System

    CDF submitted comments against this proposed rule as it is a license to discriminate and is in direct opposition to the cardinal rule of child welfare, that the best interests of the child must always be paramount. Simply put, this rule threatens the safety, permanency and well-being of children.

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  • Child Welfare

    DACA Termination Flouts this Nation’s Promise to Children

    More than a quarter of a million children have at least one parent who is a DACA recipient. Canceling DACA increases the risk of family separation and is in direct contrast to the fundamental promise of the child welfare system that every child should have the opportunity to grow up in a safe, stable and loving family. The Supreme Court must keep this in mind when weighing the arguments it heard yesterday.  

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  • Child Welfare

    Family First Transition Act honors MaryLee Allen

    The passage of the Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First) in February of 2018 represented the first major modernization of the child welfare system in decades and the potential for transformative change.

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  • Child Welfare

    HHS Proposed Rule Will Hurt Children

    Last Friday, the Trump administration released draft language for a proposed rule that would remove important Obama-era non-discrimination regulations. The rule would reverse a regulation stating that “no person otherwise eligible will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination,” in any program that was funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

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