Child Welfare

  • Child Welfare

    In congressional address, American children were commodified and exploited

    At the first Presidential Address to a Joint Session of Congress in his second term of office, President Donald J. Trump was, as my sons would say, ‘in his bag’ as showman-in-chief. Beyond the jokes, antics, and partisan division belying the historic decorum of the Chamber, the tradition of storytelling through special guests—popularized by President Bill Clinton—has become a project in propaganda. This time it both exploited and commodified our children.  

    | National
  • Census

    CDF-Ohio Finds Some Proposals in Governor’s Budget Encouraging as Data Suggests Almost 470,000 OH Youth Continue to Struggle with Poverty

    Research suggests nearly half a million children in Ohio continue to suffer from the devastating impacts of poverty. The findings, which come from Children’s Defense Fund-Ohio's (CDF-Ohio) 2024 Kids Count® Data Profiles, show it would be wise for Ohio to adopt some of the youth-based budget proposals presented by Governor Mike DeWine.

    | Ohio
  • Child Health

    2024-2025 NY State Budget and Legislative Action Agenda

    Bold action is required if our system of care for youth and families in crisis were to be truly transformed. We call for urgent attention to the following critical domains for policy-making and collective action that recognize the need for concrete support and resources across young people’s lives as they navigate their emerging adulthood after foster care.

  • Charity

    Celebration of Joy

    CDF-MN's first annual Fundraising Social Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Fallon 500 N. 3rd Street in Minneapolis

    April 25, 2024

  • Child Welfare

    For Our Children - Unleashing the Joy: CDF's Pursuit of Child Well-being

    Ten years ago this year, Ramesh Raghavan and Anna Alexandrova published research on child development in a scholarly article entitled, Toward a Theory of Child Well-Being. In the article, they document historical conceptualizations of child well-being, a policy history of the notion of child well-being, methods, and implications for measuring well-being, and–after reviewing several theories–posit one for adoption in the field.

    | National
  • Child Welfare

    For Our Children: A Day of Service

    Mrs. Edelman’s work these last five decades embodies all we hold dear at Children’s Defense Fund. She committed herself to making sure every child, no matter their background, would have the opportunity to live their lives with dignity, hope, and joy.

    | National