As faith-based organizations from across New York, we write to you to uplift the moral and human need for you to empanel the Child Poverty Reduction Advisory Council with utmost urgency and to prioritize appointing to the council impacted youth and clergy leaders who serve in impacted communities.
The Children’s Defense Fund – New York (CDF-NY) strongly supports S. 8438
(Rivera) / A. 9294 (Gottfried), which would extend continuous Medicaid coverage of infants from up to one year to up to three years for families whose income does not exceed 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
Mired in last-minute negotiations to roll-back recent criminal justice reforms, including Raise the Age, the final State Budget is a disappointment for children, youth and families. While we cannot overlook important new investments in child care and health care for new mothers, the budget still failed to prioritize our children.
Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota recommends a variety of approaches that could be taken to address the benefits cliff challenges faced by struggling families.
Cliff effects occur when benefits from public work support programs (such as medical assistance, SNAP, child care assistance, etc.) decrease or end completely as household income increases.