Child Poverty

  • Child Poverty

    Amicus Brief Regarding the Impact of Employment Discrimination on Children

    The Children’s Defense Fund is proud to be among the advocacy organizations who included our voice in a friend-of-the-court brief to the U.S. Supreme Court that uplifts this powerful message: Employment discrimination against LGBTQ people harms children. The brief, submitted by pro bono counsel at Latham & Watkins LLP and the Southern Poverty Law Center, urges the Court to rule in favor of LGBTQ employees who have confronted workplace discrimination.

  • Child Poverty

    Employment Discrimination Hurts Children Too

    The Children’s Defense Fund is proud to be among the advocacy organizations who today included our voice in a friend-of-the-court brief to the U.S. Supreme Court that uplifts this powerful message: Employment discrimination against LGBTQ people harms children. The brief, submitted by pro bono counsel at Latham & Watkins LLP and the Southern Poverty Law Center, urges the Court to rule in favor of LGBTQ employees who have confronted workplace discrimination.

    | National
  • Child Poverty

    Defining Away Poverty

    Earlier this month, the Trump Administration proposed a change to the way the threshold for poverty is calculated that would slowly cut off federal assistance to millions of people.

    | National
  • Child Health

    New Report: U.S. Can Lift 5.5. Million Children Out of Poverty Right Now

    America can immediately lift millions of children out of poverty and reduce child poverty by 57 percent by making modest investments in policies that work, according to a new report released today by the Children’s Defense Fund. Ending Child Poverty Now, the second edition of a groundbreaking report first released in 2015, details the devastating impacts of poverty on children and our nation. It outlines nine policy improvements that, enacted together, would benefit 95 percent of all poor children, lifting 5.5 million of them out of poverty entirely. In California, home to 1.6 million poor children, the child poverty rate was reduced by 65%.

    | California