Child Poverty
Child Poverty
Child Health
What the American Families Plan Means for our Nation’s Children
On the eve of his 100th day in office, President Biden released the American Families Plan, outlining a bold proposal with $1.8 trillion in historic investments in our nation’s children and families including expanded tax credits, investments in child care, universal preschool, two years of tuition-free community college, a national paid leave program, and more.
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Child Poverty
The Center for the Study of Social Policy, the Children’s Defense Fund, and members of the Automatic Benefit for Children Coalition Call for a Permanent Expansion of the Child Tax Credit
President Biden called on Congress to extend the American Rescue Plan’s expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) for only four more years and make the CTC permanently refundable. While this is an important step toward promoting families’ economic well-being, families need a guaranteed income that is generous, inclusive, and permanent—not a smaller cash benefit in a few years that could undermine the progress our nation is making on ending child poverty. We call on Congress and the President to take the bold action families need and make the full CTC expansions permanent.
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Child Poverty
File Your 2020 Taxes to Get Important Cash and Tax Credits
The recently enacted American Rescue Plan (ARP) included important benefits that can help get cash to your family and provide immediate tax relief. File your 2020 taxes by May 17th to get the money you and your family are owed.
Child Poverty
The Expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC): What New York Families Need to Know
To receive the expanded Child Tax Credit, it is extremely important that New York families file their 2020 tax returns by May 17th – even if they have no income or have never filed taxes before.
Child Poverty
Billionaires vs. Babies: How Congress Favors the Rich Over Our Children and How We Can Fix It
Over the past several decades, the United States has built a system that favors billionaires over babies and perpetuates economic inequality and racial disparities that harm America’s children. But it doesn't have to be this way: Here are eight ways Congress could fight inequality through the tax code and invest in children instead of billionaires.
Child Poverty
Understanding the Expanded Child Tax Credit
The American Rescue Plan includes a significant, one-year expansion to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Millions of newly eligible children and their families will benefit from this major expansion, and successful implementation is now key to realizing a significant reduction in child poverty, building racial equity, and creating a public investment for the good of all children. Here’s what you need to know about the expanded CTC.
Child Health
The American Jobs Plan Will Help Ensure a Strong Economy and Future for Our Children
The American Jobs Plan is the first of a two-part effort to invest in our children’s future and build towards a stronger and more equitable economy—with provisions to address long-standing racial disparities and funding designated specifically for underserved Black communities and other communities of color. Congress must now build on President Biden’s proposal and invest in our nation’s most precious resource—our children— ensuring we do not return to a fragile and inequitable status quo.
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