Child Poverty

  • Child Poverty

    It’s Time for Congress to Extend the Eviction Moratorium

    Roughly 15 million people in 6.5 million renter households are currently behind on their rent and face an increased risk of eviction. To protect these families and their children, Congress should extend the moratorium until the pandemic is over and all the emergency rental assistance provided in previous COVID-relief bills has reached renters in need.

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  • Child Poverty

    Biden Administration Permanently Boosts Nutrition Assistance in Continued Effort to End Child Poverty

    All 17 million children who rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to access nutritious meals—nearly a quarter of all children in America—will receive additional assistance starting in October. This week, the Biden administration approved an historic expansion of the program, permanently raising benefit levels for the first time in more than 45 years. It is a long-overdue expansion and a critical step towards ending child poverty, advancing racial equity, and improving child well-being.

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  • Child Poverty

    Access to Benefits Are Essential for Immigrant Children to Thrive

    Immigrant children and families—like all children and families—deserve public benefits and income supports that promote their healthy development and well-being. Yet the law’s cruel restrictions had ripple effects, chilled access to benefits even when immigrant families were eligible, and arguably paved the path for the Trump administration’s exclusionary policies and anti-immigrant, fear-fueling rhetoric.

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  • Child Poverty

    Frequently Asked Questions on the Child Tax Credit

    The American Rescue Plan includes a significant, one-year expansion to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Millions of newly eligible children and their families will benefit from this major expansion, and successful implementation is now key to realizing a significant reduction in child poverty, building racial equity, and creating a public investment for the good of all children. Here’s what you need to know about the expanded CTC.

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  • Child Poverty

    Understanding the Expanded Child Tax Credit

    The American Rescue Plan includes a significant, one-year expansion to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Millions of newly eligible children and their families will benefit from this major expansion, and successful implementation is now key to realizing a significant reduction in child poverty, building racial equity, and creating a public investment for the good of all children. Here’s what you need to know about the expanded CTC.

  • Child Poverty

    More Than 700 State and Local Organizations Call on Elected Officials to Make Expanded Child Tax Credit Permanent

    August 4, 2021; Washington, DC—Today, over 700 community-serving organizations called on Congress and the Biden administration to make the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) a permanent investment and ensure it is available to all families who need it. The Automatic Benefit for Children (ABC) Coalition, co-chaired by the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) and the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), led this effort which comes at an urgent moment as the expanded CTC’s future past 2021 is uncertain. Congress must act now, or the expanded credit will expire after this year. 

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