Child Poverty
Child Poverty
Child Poverty
CDF-NY Sign-On Letter to Reduce Child Poverty in Build Back Better Act (with Signatures)
As faith-based and child advocacy organizations from across New York, we write to you today to thank you for your strong leadership in bringing about the American Rescue Plan’s transformational expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) – and to implore you to continue to center the needs of New York’s marginalized children and families by making the expanded CTC permanent, fully inclusive of all immigrant children and fully refundable in the final Build Back Better Act. Additionally, we ask that you support a final version of the Build Back Better Act that includes paid family and medical leave.
Child Poverty
CDFNY Ampliación del Crédito Tributario por Hijos (Noviembre de 2021)
El Crédito Tributario por Hijos es un beneficio de ayuda a las familias para poder pagar los gastos diarios de la crianza de los hijos.
Child Poverty
Child Tax Credit is Helping Ohio Children go to School Fed, Healthy, and Ready to Learn
| Ohio -
Child Poverty
God Help Us to End Poverty Now—Beginning With Our 11.6 Million Poor Children
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Child Poverty
CDFNY Child Tax Credit FAQs (Updated November 2021)
Sign up to receive monthly Child Tax Credit payments via the CTC Non-Filer Sign-Up Tool before it closes on November 15th!
Child Health
What the Build Back Better Compromise Means for Children and Families
The compromise bill includes important generational investments to boost families’ economic stability and reduce racial inequities in income, housing, education, and health care that disproportionately harm Black, Latino, and Indigenous children. However, it leaves out important investments to ensure children and families have what they need to thrive.
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Child Poverty
Why We Should All Be New York Child Defenders
We are the ones we are waiting for to create another New York where our marginalized children are free to be children and have a real opportunity to meet their full potential.
| New York -
Child Health
Children’s Defense Fund Responds to President Biden’s Build Back Better Framework
“President Biden’s framework brings us one step closer to a historic, essential, and long-overdue investment in our country’s children and families. We’re poised to boost families’ economic stability and reduce racial inequities in income, housing, education, and health care that harm Black and brown children every day. We appreciate the countless child advocates, parents, friends in the White House, and champions in Congress who have fought for decades to bring us to this point."
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Child Health
Centering Youth Voices at New York City’s Polls: 2021 Voter Issue Guide
As New Yorkers cast their ballots this Fall, supporting policies and platforms that prioritize child, youth and family wellbeing is critical. #VoteBecause the needs of the youngest New Yorkers and their families must be centered on Election Day – and every day.