Rev. Wesley Morris

Plenary Speaker: “Intergenerational Conversation” 

Wesley Morris

Wesley Morris, senior pastor of Faith Community Church in Greensboro, N.C., is a renowned figure in transformative justice and community activism. With over a decade of experience at the Beloved Community Center, he guides intergenerational learning and community organizing. As Associate Director of Southern Vision Alliance, he supports grassroots projects and leadership programs across the U.S. South. Wesley, a graduate of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University and Union Theological Seminary, enriches communities through international travel projects, fostering cultural and spiritual connections. He addresses systemic racism and poverty’s violence, drawing from his chaplaincy at Harlem Hospital and psychology and religion studies. Wesley fosters forgiveness and peace, unlocking clarity in high-pressure situations. In his leisure time, he enjoys traveling, reading, writing, and indulging in his vinyl record collection, along with basketball and live sporting events.