Rev. Terence Mayo

Workshop Speaker: “Transformational Educational Strategies for Trauma-Informed Communities”

Rev. Terence Mayo

Rev. Terence L. Mayo (he/him) is a Black queer feminist practical theologian, educator, and social impact strategist that strives to co-create change through contextual theological education, community-based change strategies, and racial equity. He serves as the director of Community Ministry for the Center for Youth Ministry Training (CYMT). As a sought-after speaker, Rev. Mayo has shared his expertise on various topics, including Black LGBTQIA+ youth, DEI, education-community partnerships, public theology & social change, and trauma-informed strategies. He serves on the national boards for Progressive Youth Ministry and the Howard University School of Divinity Alumni Association. He was recently named a Steinhardt fellow at New York University, where he will be working toward his Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning, focusing on Urban Education. Terence has also earned degrees in Business Administration, Secondary Education, and Religion.