Rev. Nelson Johnson

Plenary Speaker: “Intergenerational Conversation”

Nelson Johnson

Nelson Johnson, a lifelong advocate for social and economic justice, emerged as a leader during the civil rights era at A&T State University in Greensboro, N.C. As the founding pastor of Faith Community Church and executive director of The Beloved Community Center, he prioritizes comprehensive community building, emphasizing diversity, justice, and participatory democracy. Rev. Johnson’s leadership has led to significant achievements, including a pivotal contract settlement for workers at the Greensboro K-Mart Distribution Center in 1997. His expertise in community organizing and socio-political analysis has earned him speaking engagements at universities nationwide and contributions to esteemed publications. A native of Halifax County, N.C., Rev. Johnson holds degrees from North Carolina A&T State University and Virginia Union University. He and his wife Joyce and their family embody their commitment to justice and community empowerment.