Alfonso Alfaro


Alfonso Alfaro

Alfonso Alfaro has spent his career working in organizational administration and finance roles in the nonprofit and public sectors. He is passionate about methodology and system improvement, helping nonprofits develop and continuously improve their operational infrastructure to maximize the impact of their mission and core operating values. Energized by organizations with powerful and meaningful missions, Alfonso finds excitement in steering Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) into a bright and meaningful future.

As Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Alfonso oversees HOLA’s business relationships, finances,  human resources, facilities, asset management, and IT to ensure they are managed in a manner that is aligned with HOLA’s mission and core values of respect, responsibility, positive communication, support, and inclusion. Alfonso leverages his leadership and technical skills to help scale the organization’s systems and structures to operate more efficiently, and as HOLA expands to new sites, he ensures the ongoing integrity of the organization’s systems, structures, and policies. As an advisor and thought partner to the CEO on matters relating to administrative, financial, facility, and HR operations, Alfonso supports many of HOLA’s core functions, day-to-day management, and risk assessment. He takes pride in maintaining an equitable and positive organizational culture for HOLA’s community as well as creating professional development opportunities that help engage and retain our talented staff.

During his time at HOLA, Alfonso has successfully overseen and navigated building out and improving HOLA’s operational and administrative infrastructure, leading HOLA’s response to the COVID pandemic, and the management of HOLA’s annual operational budget to over $8.7 million. Alfonso has played a key support role in the operational success of HOLA’s expansion into South and South Central LA. 

Before joining HOLA’s team, Alfonso was the Controller at Immigration Center for Women and Children (ICWC) where he oversaw the administrative, human resources, and financial functions of the organization as well as advised the Executive Director on policy and organizational matters. Prior to his tenure at ICWC, Alfonso was a Congressional staffer for Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard where he served as a community liaison between the Congresswoman and constituents, education advocacy groups, and other local elected officials in Southeast LA County.  He prepared the Congresswoman for public appearances, provided her talking points and speeches, and represented her office in public roundtables and community events.  

Alfonso is a proud graduate of UCLA and holds a BA in Spanish, Community and Culture.