Family Stability and Economic Mobility


Every young person will launch from a permanent, nurturing home
of birth, kin, foster, or adoptive family, and fulfill the dream of doing better than their parents.


Household stability and mobility have been declining for children
and families. Twenty-nine states have more children in foster care today than they did a decade ago. One in every forty-five (45) children enrolled in public schools is unhoused. Ninety percent of children born in 1940 grew up to earn more than their parents. Today, only half of all children grow up to earn more than their parents did.

Policy Path

In this zone, CDF will advocate for public policy related to: (1) Child welfare, (2) Family-supporting wages, (3) Asset-building opportunities, and (4) expanding the income and housing supports for low-income families.

Moonshot Generational Commitment

Enact a permanent, universal family or child allowance to deliver on our historic commitment to “end child poverty.”

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