Interfaith Children’s Movement and Big Bethel Children’s Sabbaths 2023

The Riverside Church Children’s Sabbaths 2022

Call to Worship Reading and Prayer: Pastor Adriene Thorne

Prayer of Confession: Rev. Bruce Lamb

Anthems: Sung by children and youth choirs

Message For All Ages: Pastor Adriene Thorne

Hebrew Scripture Lesson: Emi Hare-Yim, youth

Gospel Lesson: Elias Huang, child

Sermon – Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson

Hear Your Children’s Prayer Responsive Reading and Intercessory Prayer: Pastor Adriene Thorne

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication: Rev Nyle Fort

Benediction: Pastor Adriene Thorne and Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson

Sermon Talk Back: Pastor Adriene Thorne and Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson