Child Watch® Column

CDF founder and lifelong advocate for children and youth Marian Wright Edelman shares her perspective on current events.

Latest Articles

  • Gun Violence

    Gun Violence: Acknowledging a Crisis

    In the midst of this season’s joyful graduation celebrations, one commencement ceremony stood out in a heartbreaking way because of the friends who were missing.…

  • Remembering Beloved Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr.

    When my friend and mentor Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr. passed away on June 9 at age 95, our nation and world lost a prophet of nonviolence and a peerless teacher and role model who was the living embodiment of fierce love and nonviolent direct action organizing for effective social change. …

  • Celebrating Juneteenth

    Black history is American history, and Juneteenth is another chance to celebrate our full history…

  • Gun Violence

    We’ve Seen Enough

    June is Gun Violence Awareness Month in our nation, and June 7-9 is Wear Orange Weekend. …

Marian Wright Edelman

Marian Wright Edelman

Marian Wright Edelman is a lifelong advocate for disadvantaged Americans and is the Founder and President Emerita of Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). Under her leadership, CDF has become the nation’s strongest voice for children, youth, and families.

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