Child Welfare

Legislative Proposals Take Important Steps Toward Addressing Minnesota’s Early Childhood and Child Care Needs


January 10, 2019

Media Contact:

Stephanie Hogenson, Outreach Director

Children’s Defense Fund – Minnesota (CDF-MN) is excited that the priorities bills in both the House and the Senate take first steps in addressing Minnesota’s pressing early childhood and child care needs. These bills make necessary investments in our youngest children to set a strong early foundation in a child’s growth and development. In particular, CDF-MN is thrilled about the significant investment in the Child Care Assistance and Early Learning Scholarship Programs for Minnesota’s youngest children in the Great Start for Minnesota Children Act (HF1). Supporting access to child care and early learning programs not only supports families and children, but strengthens our economy and supports small and large businesses now and in the future.

“It is time to put children at the center of our state’s budget and we look forward to working with the state legislature and the governor’s office to ensure it happens,” said Bharti Wahi, CDF-MN Executive Director.


The Children’s Defense Fund Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.