The Lasting Benefit of CDF Freedom Schools®

October 25, 2024 | National

In August we wrapped up another successful summer of Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom Schools®, with thousands of young scholars across 30 states enjoying learning in a supportive environment.  

Dr. Joy Carrington could tell you about the lasting benefits of CDF Freedom Schools. She and her mother are raising Joy’s twin nieces, Jayda and Jayde, together. The twins, now 20, are in college, and Joy credits their CDF Freedom Schools experience with building their confidence and leadership skills.  

“The girls came to live with us full-time when they were nine and started attending Freedom Schools when they were 14 or 15,” Joy says. “I was looking for a way to stop that summer slump. Then the girls became Servant Leader Interns (SLIs) as their first ‘real job.’ They really enjoyed being around other young people and having an emphasis on reading and community. When they became SLIs, they were excited to be chosen and have an opportunity to showcase their leadership. I think it also helped with their devotion to community service and giving back. It’s growth in so many areas.”  

Jayda is now studying criminal justice, while Jayde has a full scholarship to complete her engineering degree. Both are continuing to develop their leadership skills as they chart their futures. Thank you for supporting CDF Freedom Schools to give more young people opportunities to grow!