Freedom Schools 2018: Day of Social Action

August 8, 2018 | New York

Dear Friend,

We continue to find hope in the voices and actions of our children.

Despite the seemingly endless stories of family separation, trauma and attacks on civil rights that plague our daily newsfeed, last week our children demonstrated their strength and resilience at the Freedom Schools’ Day of Social Action.

On July 18th, our NYC Freedom Schools, took to the streets of the city for a common cause: voter registration. Freedom schools are CDF’s summer literacy programs modeled on the principles of the civil rights movement.

Time and time again, our children’s inspirational efforts propel us forward and motivate us to continue our work to advocate for the needs of all children and families.

These children marched through Harlem, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, encouraging their communities to make their voices heard.

In Harlem, at the Riverside Church Freedom School, students marched through the Columbia University campus. They held signs that read, “Vote for our future,” and “Vote for our freedom.” They chanted, “V-O-T-E! Vote for change you want to see!” The students’ words reached the members of the Columbia and Upper West Side community, showing them what is at stake this coming November.

When asked what they should say to someone who may not want to vote, or may not feel the need, a student responded:

“You have to vote. For the children.”

If our children can stand for this important message, why can’t we?

Let’s stand up with our children and make sure our voices are heard. Our futures and our children’s futures depend on it.

Register to vote with

Naomi Post