Posts by Ben Dawson

  • Gun Violence

    Gun Violence: Acknowledging a Crisis

    In the midst of this season’s joyful graduation celebrations, one commencement ceremony stood out in a heartbreaking way because of the friends who were missing.

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  • Remembering Beloved Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr.

    When my friend and mentor Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr. passed away on June 9 at age 95, our nation and world lost a prophet of nonviolence and a peerless teacher and role model who was the living embodiment of fierce love and nonviolent direct action organizing for effective social change.

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  • Gun Violence

    We’ve Seen Enough

    June is Gun Violence Awareness Month in our nation, and June 7-9 is Wear Orange Weekend.

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  • Building a “Great Society”

    Sixty years ago, as President Lyndon B. Johnson spoke to college students at Ohio University and the University of Michigan in May 1964, he spoke publicly for the first time about the idea of a “Great Society”—and told students that young people could be its builders.

  • Lessons for Young Graduates

    This is the joyous time of year when families, friends, and teachers are cheering on graduates of all ages who have worked so hard and made them all so proud.

  • Education

    Happy Birthday to Brown

    May 17 marks the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Like so many Black families, mine spent the spring of 1954 waiting anxiously for news of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case.

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  • Child Health

    Submitted Testimony to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services

    In a state where over half of our children rely on Medicaid for healthcare, it's imperative that we strive for a system that makes accessing Medicaid as simple as possible for eligible children. However, our current system falls short, burdening families with unnecessary complexities and errors.

    | Texas
  • Early Childhood

    Appreciating Teachers

    May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week this year, but in an era of headlines and concern about burnout and stress, I join many others who believe teachers should be applauded and deeply appreciated all year long.

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