Looking to the New Year
The end of the holiday season and the start of the new year are always a time to prepare for new beginnings.
The end of the holiday season and the start of the new year are always a time to prepare for new beginnings.
It is still up to us to make real that dream and that day when the sons and daughters of God shout for joy for all children and young people and their families in America.
This is an opportunity to recommit to service and justice and to act on God’s call through the prophet Zechariah “to see that justice is done, to show kindness and mercy to one another, not to oppress widows, orphans, foreigners, who live among you or anyone else in need.”
When poet, essayist, scholar, and activist Nikki Giovanni passed away on December 9, the world lost a singular voice.
As parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, and adults everywhere are busy choosing holiday gifts for the children they love, books should always be at the top of the list.
On this Thanksgiving, I share once again the beautiful prayer of great Black theologian Howard Thurman, A Litany of Thanksgiving. For many years I always made Thanksgiving dinner for our whole family and for friends away from their homes.
During the Thanksgiving season I often share the description of an editorial cartoon my father kept pinned up in the vestibule of our church that made a deep childhood impression on me I have never forgotten.
On Veterans Day, November 11, the state of Maryland posthumously named Harriet Tubman a one-star brigadier general in Maryland’s National Guard.
This is a moment when many people are feeling as if the dream they have of what America can and should be has been deferred yet again, while the forces that seem willing to ignore, excuse, or embrace misogyny, racism, bigotry, bullying, and cruelty may appear to be ascendant.
On March 7, 1965, a group of us attempted to march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, to dramatize to the nation that people wanted to register to vote.