Rev. Dr. Shakeema North-Albert

Workshop Leader: "Housing Youth with Healing Love"

Shakeema North-Albert

Rev. Dr. Shakeema North-Albert, known as “Shak,” is a dedicated leader from Newark, N.J., with over 20 years in youth development and urban ministry. As a teacher, preacher, and writer, she shares her expertise nationally and internationally, focusing on strengths-based, trauma-informed approaches to empower marginalized youth. Joining Covenant House New York in 2015, Shak advanced life skills programming and policies for youth safety and well-being, fostering a culture of respect and validation. She became CEO in 2023. Shak also served as pastor to Youth and Families at The Concord Baptist Church of Christ for a decade. She holds a B.S. in computer science, an M.Div. from New York Theological Seminary, and a D.Min. from Duke Divinity School.