CDF-Ohio Testifies in Support of HCR 25 Urging the Governor to Declare a State of Emergency on Childhood Trauma
Today, CDF-Ohio submitted testimony in support of HCR 25, a resolution that urges the Governor to declare a state of emergency on childhood trauma. The resolution builds a compelling case for this action and the time for Ohio to act on behalf of its children is now. The resolutions calls upon the Governor to take immediate action to address childhood trauma and respectfully urge him to declare a State of Emergency on Childhood Trauma to increase public knowledge in identifying and treating the conditions caused by post-traumatic stress disorders related to child development, with an emphasis on the six key principles of a trauma-informed approach and how laws, policies, and systems have contributed to ongoing trauma within minority communities. Below is an excerpt of our testimony with a link to the full testimony.
I come before you today in support of HCR 25, a resolution that would declare Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) a public health emergency. As you may be aware, children under the age of 18 in Ohio experience some of the highest levels of ACEs in the country – in fact Ohio is ranked in the top five states in the number of children who have experienced at least three or more ACEs. Adverse Childhood Experiences such as household challenges and instability, abuse, and neglect, have a significant impact on a child’s wellbeing and development and long-term affects into adulthood. Feelings of prolonged stress, fear, terror, and helplessness have a profound effect on a child’s physical and mental development and can change the brain’s fundamental architecture. Given, Ohio’s status, it is not surprising that our state also has some of the worst child wellbeing rates in the country. Download full testimony here.