AYPF Feedback Survey

Mailing Address

Overall Event Satisfaction

1. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the event?(Required)

Event Location

3. How would you rate the event location (The Bank Building, Washington, D.C.)?(Required)

Food & Refreshments

6. How satisfied were you with the food and refreshments provided at the event?(Required)

Panels & Sessions Feedback

Attendees had the option to attend one of two panels during this session. Please rate the panel you attended. If you did not attend either, you may skip this section.

8. Panel 1: Empowering Tomorrow: Youth Voices Leading on Youth Issues How would you rate the quality of this panel? (Required if attended)
9. Panel 2: Embracing Childhood, Embracing Joy: Setting the Stage for Success How would you rate the quality of this panel? (Required if attended)

Suggestions for Future Events