A Christmas Eve Lesson
It is still up to us to make real that dream and that day when the sons and daughters of God shout for joy for all children and young people and their families in America.
It is still up to us to make real that dream and that day when the sons and daughters of God shout for joy for all children and young people and their families in America.
This is an opportunity to recommit to service and justice and to act on God’s call through the prophet Zechariah “to see that justice is done, to show kindness and mercy to one another, not to oppress widows, orphans, foreigners, who live among you or anyone else in need.”
In a democratic society, if we like or don’t like what our political leaders are doing, we must make that clear through our voices and our votes. And we cannot accomplish that by staying home.
Black history is American history, and Juneteenth is another chance to celebrate our full history